Okay kiddies it's that time of year again...that's right..it's VDay....
so grab your satin sheets, put on some Barry White, wine and dine your sweet with oysters, chocolate covered cherries and lobster...
Yeah, makes us a little sick too but if cupid hits ya with his love poisoned...err...I mean love soaked arrow than you're in for some luving...
Here at CSD we love us some luving...so for this years holiday lovefest we made some special custom jewels for a love filled event which takes place at PS Gallery in Columbia MO...it's a girls night out with heart health awareness month...
"Ego for Two" necklace and "No Reason" earrings, made of oxidized sterling silver, red and black leather, will be featured and available through PS Gallery only...so if you dig them contact them at the link below...
"Let Your Hair Down" |
Well it's a good thing there is some
love around the studio cause it's a madhouse..
Busy getting ready for the 2013 show season...
"Hands That Cuff" | |
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Casey has been coming up with some super awesome, fun and new designs for this year...
"Domino" |
Now the part that is everyone's favorite...It's Casey Time....
It's been super crazy around here but getting lots done...first things first...
I've been selected for Lances Journal which is a feature of 10 11 news in Lincoln...I'm waiting to hear the date it will air...I will keep you posted...here Lance aka L Train is interviewing the momma...rad... http://www.1011now.com/lancesjournal
Well talent runs in the family...my cuz just published his first book "Red Eyes and Black Blood" by Niclas Carlson...I'm in the midst of reading it and gotta say he's done a great job...check it out on amazon...still getting use to this ebook thing...technology...pretty rad...
I'm training for the Dirty Kanza http://www.dirtykanza200.com/ gravel bike race which is 200 miles of flint hills gravel...so I've been riding out in the evil evil winter of nebraska...has not been fun, I'm ready for spring!!!!
Being February there is another very important event...KC Sprints...
Thanks to the KC boys for coming up to Lincoln for another night filled of beer (rum for this one) bikes and shenanigans...
This is my buddy Josh (his first KC Sprints) and Rhino going head to head...http://kcsprints.blogspot.com/
Speaking of making the impossible possible...I stumbled upon this great video...it empowers the message that I've incorporated into not only my business but life...Ingrid Vendervelt is helping to empower women and the world...
Now a moment in Handcrafted time...today we are talking recycling metal...I save all my scrap metal to melt down and pour into new...
This is a long process and takes patients...
the first step is to melt the scrap in a crucible...
Pour into the ingut (mold) either for wire or sheet, we are making bars for cufflinks so will pour into wire section...
Now the fun begins...rolling the metal to a smaller gauge...
Since you have to anneal the metal (the metal work hardens as you roll it so you have to heat up the metal to soften it again so it won't break) after every few rolls this can take a while...
Finished cufflinks...
I would love to say that I create all my work with metal that I produce but I do what I can, all the cufflinks centers are always recycled metal...I buy stock sheet metal and wire from Rio Grande...these products are made in the USA...
My impossible that I'm gonna make possible...getting my jewelry and wearable art in the music scene...
Imagine it Lady Gaga wearing a Casey Sheppard Designs original..
I totally dig that impossible...Possible...
Tell next time...Imagine the impossible and make it possible...
From all of us at CSD have a great Valentines and spread the love...